Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Sponsored by the Ministry of Health and the British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women's Health, Coalescing on Women and Substance Use integrates research expertise, practice-based wisdom, and lived experience. The Coalescing community participants have a broad range of expertise in women’s substance use and addictions, mental health, woman abuse and trauma, Aboriginal women’s health, prenatal and maternity care and many other areas of women’s health.
Visit their two sections related to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD):
Pregnancy, Mothering and Substance use
This section is about improving our response to pregnant women and mothers with substance use problems, and integrating women-centred, health-oriented approaches in prevention and policy initiatives designed to prevent FASD.
Alcohol and Pregnancy
The resources in this section were developed to support service providers to successfully engage with women and their partners on alcohol use, pregnancy, and prevention of FASD. While many aspects of FASD prevention are interconnected, current evidence and practice issues have been synthesized into six topics that allow service providers to explore issues from different perspectives and that are most relevant to their own practice.