The Pregnancy Passport includes:
- information about your needs and the care you can expect during your pregnancy, birth, and after your baby is born
- a place to record check-ups and tests
- a list of resources for more information
The Pregnancy Passport is published by Perinatal Services BC in partnership with the Ministry of Health and health authorities. The Pregnancy Passport is a companion to Baby's Best Chance.
The Pregnancy Passport Handout is a 2-page pull out from the pregnancy passport.
Our Sacred Journey: Indigenous Pregnancy Passport
The Our Sacred Journey: Indigenous Pregnancy Passport can help take you and your family through your sacred journey of pregnancy, birth, and your baby’s first few weeks. The pregnancy passport provides an expectant mother/person with:
- traditional teachings
- health information & resources
- growth charts, checklists, and
- a place to write down goals, thoughts, ideas, and dreams for your baby.
The Indigenous Pregnancy Passport was developed by Perinatal Services BC in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and First Nations Health Authority.
A special thank you goes out to the First Nations and Aboriginal Elders, community members, and professionals who helped develop this resource; members of the Provincial Advisory Committee; expert reviewers from around the province; and the Population and Public Health Program at the Provincial Health Services Authority. Please see the full list of acknowledgements.
Ask your doctor, midwife, care provider, or health unit for a Pregnancy Passport