Parenthood can bring many joys and challenges. You have the opportunity to create your own parenting journey.
Parenting is influenced by many things such as our support circles, our childhood experiences, our cultural beliefs, our knowledge and our health.

Baby's Best Chance: Parents' Handbook of Pregnancy and Baby Care is intended to offer general information about pregnancy and parenting, with a focus on ensuring the health and wellbeing of you and your baby. It also provides guidance on how you can access additional support, should you need it. Topics covered include pregnancy, birth and parenting a baby up to six months of age.
Parenting Babies 0-12 months: Babies don't come with instruction manuals. But parents and health care professionals have learned a lot about the best ways to care for and nurture little ones. For more information, visit HealthLink BC
Low blood sugar in First Nations babies and young children: A genetic change called the CPT1a variant (also referred to CPT1a or Alaskan variant) may increase the chances of a baby or young child having low blood sugar. See First Nations Parent Resource for information on how to prevent low blood sugar in healthy First Nations babies and young children.
Newborn eye infections: Most of the time, puffy or red eyes in your baby are caused by a blocked tear duct or infections by viruses or bacteria. Some eye infection may be serious and need special medication. See our family information sheet.
Safer Sleep for My Baby: In the early weeks of life, babies sleep for about 16 hours a day. When it comes to sleep, your baby’s sleep environment is always important – day or night. Some sleep practices are safer than others. Safer Sleep for My Baby pamphlet shares information about how to help make your baby’s sleep environment as safe as possible. – Make every sleep a safer sleep.
Honouring our Babies Safer Sleep Cards: Indigenous infants are disproportionately impacted by sudden, unexpected infant death during sleep. While there is no one sleep practice that completely eliminates the risk, these cards support parents to choose safer infant sleep positions, environments, surfaces and protective factors.
- Infant Formula Feeding (06/2020): Information on how to safely feed your baby during COVID-19 if you are using or thinking about using infant formula.
- Newborn Masks (05/2020): Masks or face coverings, visors or eye protection are not made to be used on newborn/children under the age of 2 years. Find more information on how to keep your baby safe.